Successful People Forgive I believe the most important thing that truly makes someone successful is Forgiveness! Forgiving others and yourself will release you from a life anchored to the past. What happens when you focus your attention blaming others? You spend your time consumed with hate, anger and pain. You focus more on what happened to you in the past instead of on the present or future. In my first Tub Talk Video I confess the name of who I needed to forgive. This forgiveness set me free to really focus on my future. I made the decision to succeed. Successful People Read Daily August 2013, I made the decision to succeed in my business. I decided to learn Marketing when I found Empower Network . I really didn't know what I was going to learn about marketing, but I knew it would be more than I already knew, which was next to nothing. One of their main core commitments is to read daily. No! Not romance novels... you need to read books that are going to h
Health of It Transformation is the Place You go to Transform into the person you were created to be