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Showing posts with the label kegel

Are You Up For The Plank Challenge?

If Done Correctly Planking Is a Total Body Workout. Stomach pulled up and in. To do this, do a kegel first than pull bellybutton to spine. Shoulders away from ears and DO NOT have chest forward. You will know if you are doing this because your shoulder blades will be close together. Instead press through your shoulder to your elbows. Elbows directly under shoulders, forearms flat on floor with hands in fist, thumbs up! Legs straight, butt tight. I mean squeeze those cheeks like you have a hundred dollar bill between them and it is windy. Hips level. I should be able to put a platter with hot tea on your butt and you will not spill it! Spine straight. Do Not Look up! Head should be in alignment with spine. Your eyes should be looking between fist. Most important breath. Inhale through your nose slowly for a count of 5, exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. The challenge only will work if you follow proper body alignment. If you see that you are sta...