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Showing posts with the label bach flowers

Rescue Remedy to the Rescue

You just witnessed something horrible. You got hurt riding your bike. You just found out your marriage is over. You were in a car crash. You fight PTSD. Rescue Remedy can help you get through these stressful times.  Rescue Remedy  Flower combination that can be used as a first aid measure in emergencies of all kinds. The solution consists of the following flowers: – Star of Bethlehem: For all the effects of serious news, or shock following an accident, etc.. For release from trauma, even past traumas – Rock Rose: For being alarmed, having acute fear and panic – Impatiens: For inner tension and stress like impatience and irritability. Usually reacts in an exaggerated manner – Cherry Plum: For uncontrolled – irrational thoughts. Fear of losing control and doing something terrible, one might have a fear of “going crazy”. Uncontrolled bursts of anger. Impulsive suicide. – Clematis: Mental escapist from reality: Indifferent, inattentive, daydreamin...