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Showing posts with the label stop poisoning your kids

Stop Poisoning Your Children

You Don't Even Know You are Poisoning Your Children Cancer, asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD), learning disabilities, behavior disorder and rheumatoid disease is on the rise in children. Could toxic chemical exposure be the link? Did you know that the home is the #1 source of exposure to toxic chemicals for you and your children? This is especially true for young children who spend even more time indoors. Think about your baby, whom you love so much. You are exposing them to Toxic Chemicals. Yes, You !! Why am I blaming you and not the companies that make these toxic chemicals? Because you are the one who buys the products and uses them every day around your children. Sorry if I sound like I am beating you up, but I care for your children , and I want you to know for every toxic product, there is a safer alternative. Would You Keep a Loaded Gun Under the Sink? Our government requires a license to purchase and own a gun, yet ...